Functionality: Allows the creation of an event (for a party, an annual day, etc.), which gets updated in the dashboard calendar, broadcast, and employees get the pop-up for the same. 

Accessibility: Admin Role only


Path: Home>>HR Desk>>Events Calendar

Step 1: Event Master have to be created first. Click on create master

Click on the modify if you want to use the same event master or delete icon in case of deletion. 

For new event master click on Add 

Provide the event name and details

Click the active checkbox to add to event master

Click to save

Step 2: Click on Add New Event, a new window will display. 

  • Provide the inputs

  • Select the checkbox to publish on dashboard, which will enable popup on dashboard.
  • Enter all required details under cost estimates if required
  • Click to +/- to add any additional item cost estimation and click to save

Employees can view the event details in self role on the dashboard calendar, broadcast, and also will get a popup.

Popup display

Broadcast display

Calendar display