Functionality: Allows to hide irrelevant attendance abbreviations from the muster roll and view  in out report. 

Accessibility: Admin role only

Note: It is required to change settings. Please follow the below process:


Path: Home>>Configuration>>System Security>>Account Options >>Attendance

1: To hide abbreviation from muster roll (Monthly attendance  report)

Flag - Enable display of Late Authorised (LA)or disable to Display Late Unauthorised ( LU) in Monthly attendance Reports. (Set to disable) and save.

To verify the changes, please check the monthly attendance report.

2: To unhide extra abbreviation form View in put report

Flag - Enable to hide the Abbreviations in Monthly Attendance Report. (set as disable) and save

To verify the changes, please check the View in out report report.

Note: Click on " i " icon to view all abbreviations.

Attendance Abbreviation: