Functionality: Allows users to view and download payslips and monthly salary reports and fill out the income tax declaration.

Accessibility: Employee self-login (ESS) role only

Process - 

Path: Home >>Payroll >> Payroll Reports

1. Payslip:


Path: Home>>Payroll>>Pay Reports>>Pay Slip

Steps: Select month and click to view payslip

Payslip displays employees information, fixed CTC earnings, deductions, net salary and annual salary details


2. Month-wise salary details


Path: Home>>Payroll>>Pay Reports>>Month-wise Salary Details

Steps: Select financial year from the drop-down & click to show

This report displays employees pay information, including month total days present days earnings, deductions, and net pay for selected financial year

3. IT Computation


Path: Home>>Payroll>>Pay Reports>>IT Computation

Steps: Select the month from the drop-down & click to show

IT Computation displays employees annual salaries, earnings, deductions, exemptions, and tax details.

4. Investment Declaration (Form B)


Path: Home>>Payroll>>Pay Reports>>Invest. Declaration (Form B)

Steps: Enter the amount under defined investment section and click to save

After saving, a pop-up will display to submit the form click ok to save

5. Investment Report


Path: Home>>Payroll>>Pay Reports>>Investment Report

Steps: Select the month from drop-down

This report displays employees investment declaration details