Functionality: Allow to update investment declarations on behalf of employee for appropriate tax/TDS deductions during the financial year.

Accessibility: Admin role only

Note: Select calculation method, Old and new tax regime

Process :

Option 1: For single employee 

Path: Home>>Payroll>>Salary Inputs>>General -Investment Details

  • Enter Employee number

  • Update investments details provided by an employee

  • Click to Save

*Generate Payroll After Save - By choosing this option, employee salary will be automatically processed.

Option 2: Bulk Upload 

PathHome>>Data Upload>>Payroll>>Payroll Import - Salary

  • Choose Upload Pre-Set: Investment

Step 1:

  • Download the Template and align the employees investment details in the prescribed format
  • Paste the data and click to Import

Step 2:

  • After upload, a message will be displayed "uploaded Successfully."


Note: If there is any error, check the data once and reupload